Thursday, September 30, 2010


Is this book supposed to make me hate teaching? Is it's goal to make me believe that I will never succeed in all aspects of life? Am I never going to get married or have a family? Will I even find a job???

Maybe I need to give up reading this book. I don't think that I have received one positive lesson from this book. If teaching/students/administrators/family life is as bad as many of these teachers make it out to be, maybe I need to change my major and do something safe. Something with job security. I am worried enough as it is not being able to find a job and these excerpts don't exactly help me feel less stressed. The overall themes of this chapter included failure as a teacher, a person, and a parent. The prevalence of ineffective coworkers, injustice, and racism. The stupidity of standardized tests. And the difficulty of teaching students with a terrible home life. Is that what I want for my life? I hope that teaching is a lot less negative than this book makes it out to be or else I am doomed to die an early death.

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