Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Our Nation at Risk

These articles reflect on a report on education done by a commission in the early 1980’s. The study found that American students do not test as well compared to students their age in other countries. Test scores of American students were even lower than of American students twenty-six years ago. The commission reported “For the first time in the history of our country, the educational skills of one generation will not surpass, will not equal, will not even approach, those of their parents. “ The report detailed the dire circumstances of the educational system and its goal was to create reform. This report eventually inspired the No Children Left Behind movement, although the success of this program is debatable. Many praise A Nation at Risk because “the tough talk was just what the doctor ordered.”
I agree that we are a nation at risk. There is a major problem with the educational system and something needs to be done. The lack of importance placed on education saddens me, and unfortunately this is (in my opinion) often the fault of parents. Students who are not motivated to do well at home are not going to try as hard in schools. I believe that teachers must hold students to higher standards and expect more from them. But if a student goes home and isn’t encouraged to complete his/her schoolwork, a teacher cannot be 100% effective. I think schools should adopt an individualized “survival of the fittest” mentality. This means students would be encouraged to meet their own highest potential. Less than that would not be tolerated. What I disagree with is that schools should offer more math and science classes and less “undemanding and superfluous” classes. I completely believe that all students should receive more health education. Health classes cover nutrition, contraceptives and safe sex, stress management, and physical activity, all of which have an impact on education. Studies show that students who eat breakfast and are active test higher and have fewer absences. A student who gets pregnant is going to have to miss school and stress management teaches students how to handle an intense workload. For this reason and many others, health needs to be a cornerstone of education.

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