Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Story of School Part IV: 1980 to Present

Schools in the present day seem to be very business-like. There is much competition and meeting content standards is necessary. From my personal experience as a student, I have seen some thrive on being compared to classmates using test scores and academic level. My senior year, class ranking was a major topic of discussion. I don't remember how we all even learned that information. On the other hand, I have seen students, such as my sister, crumble from feeling pressured to conform. She ended up missing too much school to graduate with the rest of us and had to take Summer classes to make up the credits. In my opinion, she was not being challenged enough and her multiple intelligences were not being met. She saw right through the importance placed on standardized tests when I and other students did not. Why should a number that supposedly represents my intelligence in math and reading determine whether or not I go to college? Grades don't determine intelligence, they determine effort.

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